
Pediatric Associates of York Hospital


Now located at 127 Long Sands Road, Suite 11, in York.

Please click here to view a map of our new location
















Pediatric Associates of York Hospital 为婴儿、儿童和青少年提供全面的护理. 冰球突破提供高质量的医疗保健和个性化的关注. 冰球突破为患者和家属提供最先进的医疗技术,并为您的家庭提供应有的温暖和关怀. Together with our caring staff, 冰球突破努力确保您与冰球突破在一起的岁月尽可能健康和愉快.


Services we provide include well child care – routine visits, immunizations, sports, and camp physicals, 听力和视力检查——以及孩子生病时的护理——包括意想不到的, 当日预约需要和照顾轻微的疾病和伤害. 冰球突破的团队还提供发展和情感护理方面的专业知识, along with the management of chronic issues such as asthma, behavioral concerns, diabetes and more. Whatever the reason for your visit, 冰球突破的服务人员将与您和您的家人合作,确保您得到最佳的护理,以及您想要的信息和答案. 冰球突破提供的特别服务包括耳洞服务和当日预约服务.

Please note, our phone systems will be on auto attendant between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. Please click here for more information.

Pediatric Associates has been awarded recognition by the 国家质量保证委员会以病人为中心的家庭医疗计划. NCQA以病人为中心的医疗家庭标准强调系统的使用, patient-centered, coordinated care that supports access, communication and patient involvement, 在病人和他们的临床护理团队之间建立更好的关系. NCQA, a private, 致力于提高医疗保健质量的非营利组织, 认可和认证广泛的医疗保健组织,并管理HEDIS的发展®这是一种绩效衡量工具,全国90%以上的医疗计划都在使用它. NCQA’s website ( contains information that empowers consumers, employers and others to make more informed health care choices.



Please feel free to peruse these sites for more information:

Policies & Forms

欢迎来到冰球突破儿科协会:冰球突破很高兴有机会为您的孩子提供最高质量的儿科护理,并分享您孩子的成长.  冰球突破的约克和威尔斯办事处周一至周五上午9点至下午5点开放.  请准备好在每次访问时出示您当前的保险卡并验证您的地址和电话号码.


Patients are seen by appointment only. If you have an emergency after normal office hours, 拨打207-351-1710或207-641-6555与冰球突破的应答服务人员通话,他们将呼叫医生.

Please note从2022年7月18日星期一开始,冰球突破的电话系统将在中午12点到下午12点之间自动服务.m. and 1 p.m. Please click here for more information.



如果你的保险要求你接受转诊去看专家, 在获得服务之前,您必须允许冰球突破在三(3)个工作日内完成相应的表格. Only emergency referrals will be completed on the same day. If requested, and approved by this practice, we will issue a retroactive referral, 但不能保证你的保险公司会兑现.   Our placement of any referral does not guarantee payment from your insurance company; you must understand how your insurance policy works.  If you are unsure, contact them.



冰球突破每天都有急症就诊,预防性保健就诊应提前6至8周安排.  如果您更喜欢特定的供应商,请务必让冰球突破知道,以便冰球突破可以为您提供服务.  请记住,同一天的急症护理可能需要您去看可用的医生. Acute care visits will be scheduled on the same day. 需要立即关注的问题最好在急诊室或冰球突破的免预约设施中解决.



冰球突破确实要求在48小时内通知你打电话来补药. In order to delay your wait time, 请与您的药房联系,以确认处方是否已准备好领取. 所有需要书面处方的处方只会在办公时间内重新配药.



医疗记录是能够为您和您的孩子提供优质医疗保健的重要组成部分.  请确保在您第一次来这里之前,您已经要求将您孩子的医疗记录发布到本办公室.  如果您无法在您访问之前将您孩子的完整医疗记录转移, 请确保您随身携带他或她最新的免疫接种记录.



HIPAA是为您的健康记录隐私而建立的联邦指导方针. 未经您的特别许可,冰球突破儿科协会不会分享您孩子的任何健康记录信息, with the exception of your child’s daycare, school, 或其他医生的办公室,冰球突破会转发免疫记录, current physical examination dates, 以及任何可能直接与您的孩子转介给另一位医生有关的医生记录或实验室,以协助您的孩子的治疗.


Thank you for choosing Pediatric Associates of York Hospital


York – Long Sands Medical Office Building
127 Long Sands Road, Suite 11,
York, Maine 03909
(207) 351-1710
Fax: (207) 351-1708

Wells – York Hospital in Wells – Building B
112 Sanford Road,
Wells, ME 04090
(207) 641-6555
Fax: (207) 641-6556

Directions: YORK OFFICE

127 Long Sands Road, Suite 11, York, Maine 03909



Take I-95 North to Maine. Take York Exit (#7) last exit before toll. Bear right off ramp. Take right at set of lights to Route One south. Bear LEFT at next set of lights to Route 1A. 驾车约1英里至村庄中心,在雕像前右转进入长沙路. Drive 0.5 miles and turn RIGHT into the Long Sands Plaza parking lot. 11号套房是大楼左边最后一个办公室.



走缅因收费公路南到约克出口(7号公路,在收费站之后). Bear LEFT off ramp. Take right at set of lights to Route One south. Bear LEFT at next set of lights to Route 1A 驾车约1英里至村庄中心,在雕像前右转进入长沙路. Drive 0.5 miles and turn RIGHT into the Long Sands Plaza parking lot. 11号套房是大楼左边最后一个办公室.



Take Route 236 to Route 91. At end of Route 91, bear left onto Route One North. Go through set of lights. Turn right onto Route 1A (Turn is BEFORE second set of lights). 驾车约1英里至村庄中心,在雕像前右转进入长沙路. Drive 0.5 miles and turn RIGHT into the Long Sands Plaza parking lot. 11号套房是大楼左边最后一个办公室.


Directions: WELLS OFFICE

York Hospital in Wells, Building B, 112 Sanford Road
Wells, ME 04090



Take I-95 North to Maine. Take the Wells/Sanford Exit #19. Take a LEFT at the first set of lights after the toll booth. Travel approximately 1.5 miles. York Hospital in Wells will be on the RIGHT. Upon entering the campus, bear LEFT to Building B. Take Elevator to 2nd floor.



Take I-95 South to the Wells/Sanford Exit #19. Take a LEFT at the first set of lights after the toll booth. Travel approximately 1.5 miles. York Hospital in Wells will be on the RIGHT. Upon entering the campus, bear LEFT to Building B. Take Elevator to 2nd floor.



On Route 109: Continue East. 从95号公路和109号公路的交叉口,继续沿109号公路向东行驶约1英里.5 miles. York Hospital in Wells will be on the RIGHT. 从9号公路出发:沿着9号公路向威尔斯方向行驶,直到与109号公路相交. 从95号公路和109号公路的交叉口右转到109号公路. Continue for approximately 1.5 miles. York Hospital in Wells will be on the RIGHT. Upon entering the campus, bear LEFT to Building B. Take Elevator to 2nd floor.